The LAFMAAL FOUNDATION is a non-profit foundation of excellence for talented young female scientists from African countries pursuing doctorates in STEM subjects. The foundation was founded in 2018 in Yamoussoukro / Côte d´Ivoire / West Africa and has following four pillars at the core of its vision:
Outstanding young female scientists from African countries are given the opportunity to pursue a doctorate and international research activities in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
Female doctoral candidates are provided with suitable conditions and equal opportunities to participate in science and research, e.g. in the fields of environment, agricultural science, biotechnology, industry and medical technology.
The scholarship holders conduct research at universities and colleges in their countries of origin or, in exceptional cases, in (European) countries abroad and benefit from international university partnerships and networks.
The foundation is grounded in Christian values and therefore combines outstanding research and social commitment.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES. Our vision for the future of Africa is to see excellently trained female scientists contributing their expertise in STEM to society in areas such as research, science and business in an innovative manner.
PROMOTION OF EXCELLENCE. We are an organization that supports outstanding young female scientists from African countries, where female education is less likely to be fostered. We nurture the potential of young female PhD students throughout their doctoral studies until they receive their doctorate.
NETWORKING TOGETHER. We foster international exchange in science between African and German universities and companies as trusting cooperations and partnerships for the benefit of the scholarship holders and are working together with the doctoral college of the INP-HB (Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny) in Côte d’Ivoire and for example the Bergische Universität Wuppertal in Germany as strategic partners.
- President: Dr.-Ing. Michel A. Aliman
- Vice President: Research: Prof. Dr. Jéremie T. Zoueu
- Vice President: Social: Renate Aliman
- General Secretary: Prof. Dr. Benjamin K. Yao
- Vice-General Secretary: Dr. Michel A. Akré
- Treasurer: Dr. Annick Zoueu
- Vice Treasurer: Maître Gghislaine L. Tapé
- LAFMAAL ACADEMICS: Dr. Mariam Muwanga
- LAFMAAL SOCIAL: Renate Aliman
- Homepage: Arsène Aliman, Degoule Goulivas
Dr.-Ing. Michel A. Aliman is a Christian, a family father, renowned scientist and founder of the LAFMAAL FOUNDATION. He builds bridges between Germany and Africa by promoting the talents of young people and is committed to the positive development of Africa. His desire is for outstanding female scientists from Africa to have access to excellent higher education and thus to equal opportunities in STEM research and in their latter professional and social lives.
“Based on the conviction that every human being
is endowed with unique talents by God,
an investment in the advancement of women, grounded in equal opportunities,
is an essential building block for positively changing the situation
in many African countries and societies.”
“Since the founding of Professional Scientists we have been supporting charity projects.
However, the very young LAFMAAL foundation of Dr. Michel Aliman is dear to our hearts. The foundation enables and supports the education and professional development of young female scientists from Africa and it does so with the same convictions, the same passion and dedication with which we operate our organization. The foundation functions beyond primarily focussing on the internet and the anonymous online-canals as well as beyond established, longwinded projects. It prizes itself in personal networking, more direct dialogue, more empathy — in short, it is more ‘hands on.’ Moreover, there is an underlying unique understanding of academic systems and the structure of our knowledge societies into which the gifts and talents of these young women should grow.
We support the vision of Dr. Michel Aliman from the bottom of our hearts as well as his impressive work that has been created in such a short time. We are looking forward to seeing this unique project grow.”
“Scientific education is the foundation for socio-economic progress. Doing so with gender equality, guarantees prosperity for all, throughout society. Our cooperation with LAFMAAL provides us the additional means we need to promote scientific education in the entire African continent. We trust that our future partnership will lead to progress and prosperity in Africa.”
“All human beings are born free and are equal in dignity and human rights” – nothing more can be added to this sentence from the UN Convention on Human Rights. However, the reality is far behind this self-evident statement. This is often the case, especially in regions that are now called ‘developing’ or ‘emerging’ countries; the situation of women in society must be viewed very critically. In addition to this unacceptable situation, society is losing enormous potential for creativity, intelligence and willpower.
This is exactly where the LAFMAAL Foundation is taking countermeasures by explicitly focusing on promoting women in developing countries in the educational sector.”
“The technical challenges of all kinds, climatic and ecological issues as well as nutrition require a huge brain power in so-called MINT areas – far beyond the amount available today. The current social changes require social power to be created, through massive empowerment of a huge, unused, often suppressed source of power: the empowerment of women and their social equality. One continent that has a particular need to catch up and at the same time has a huge resource potential is Africa. LAFMAAL starts precisely here as the foundation combines both, supporting women in Africa initially in preparation for their scientific careers (…). In addition, the foundation pursues parallel social goals (…). The basis for the work is high Christian values and lived tolerance. (…) Women, most of whom are mothers themselves, are predominantly interested in creating sustainable conditions for their children and certainly not in sacrificing them in senseless military conflicts. This is why I believe that the development and empowerment of women in developing countries has a key role to play. This is for me the most important reason to support LAFMAAL.”
“Basic education in technological literacy as a key competence for individual, social and economic development
… The promotion of basic education in the natural and technical sciences is an important key to the individual, social and economic development of every single person. Education through technology (…) is presented from a theoretical perspective. From the perspective of education theory, it follows that (…) education through technology (…) contributes to economic development. In the reference field of this and with the support of the LAFMAAL Foundation, a young scientist from Cameroon at the Institute of Educational Science at the University of Stuttgart is working on the systematic analysis of general technical education in African countries and thus wants to contribute to better educational opportunities on the African continent.”
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“When we began, there were only a few of us.
Along the way we found dedicated and passionate partners:
helpful, inspiring and supportive.”
Many thanks and blessings to all those on the road with us.